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Educational Talent Search (ETS)

csudh talent search

Educational Talent Search (ETS) is committed to identifying, motivating, preparing and supporting low-income, 第一代初中生和高中生在大学取得成功. ETS补充了其合作中学和高中的学术、大学预科和职业指导.

The program provides academic, career, 并为参与者提供财务咨询,鼓励他们从大学毕业. ETS的目标是增加来自弱势背景的青少年完成高中学业并进入大学学习的人数.


Upward Bound (UB)

csudh upward bound

Upward Bound (UB) is committed to assisting low-income, 第一代高中生成功完成中学教育,为他们进入高等教育并从高等教育毕业做好学术和社会准备. UB建立了一种氛围,增强积极的自尊,同时促进团结和合作,帮助学生重视自己和他们的文化, and to envision their own success. Please visit their webpage for a list of services offered.

Upward Bound helps students achieve their maximum potential. Upward Bound serves 185 first-generation, low-income students from L.A. Jefferson, Carson, Gardena, Hawthorne, and Leuzinger high schools.


Upward Bound Math Science (UBMS)

csudh upward bound math science

Upward Bound Math Science (UBMS) is committed to increasing the number of low income, 第一代进入高等科学教育机构并从其毕业的高中生, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. 哈佛大学管理学院为参与者的大学探索提供基本的支持和资源, preparation and the application process for college entrance. 该项目提供一个学年和夏季住宿部分. 该项目旨在提高对科学有兴趣和天赋的学生的技能, technology, engineering and math through intensive instruction, 实践经验和向不同领域的专业人士学习的机会. 夏季项目是UBMS体验的重要组成部分,旨在在培养学术技能的同时创造一种社区意识, motivation, and self-confidence necessary for success in college.



Student Support Services (SSS)

csudh student support services Student Support Services (SSS) 致力于提高第一代大学生的留校率和毕业率, low income students, former foster youth and students with disabilities at CSUDH. 项目参与者将获得一系列服务,以确保顺利过渡到CSUDH,并为成功完成高等教育提供持续支持. 

SSS计划旨在支持160名符合条件的科罗拉多州立大学多明格斯山学生的学术和个人发展需求. Please visit their webpage for a list of services offered.


Veterans Resource Center (VRC)


Veterans Resource Center (VRC) 退伍军人和退伍军人家属在华南理工大学校园有着陆点吗. 退伍军人中心提供项目和服务,以满足我们退伍军人社区的独特需求. The VRC assists military veterans, 服务人员和家属顺利度过他们的大学生活. The VRC provides advisors, mentors, 学术研讨会和全面的个人和专业发展机会,帮助学生过渡到大学. VRC还得到了美国教育部的TRIO学生支持服务补助金的支持. 这笔拨款允许退伍军人委员会为学生退伍军人提供额外的服务,他们要么是第一代大学生,要么是第一代大学生, former foster youth or have a qualifying disability.


获得对本科课程的早期意识和准备(GEAR UP)

CSUDH GEAR UP 获得对本科课程的早期意识和准备(GEAR UP) 获得早期意识和准备本科课程(GEAR UP)是一个联邦资助的项目,旨在提高学术成就, college attendance, and graduation rates of first generation, low income, underrepresented, and underserved students. GEAR UP的愿景是与教育和社区机构合作,为学生提供支持, parents, 教育工作者促进高等教育,让学生掌握知识, skills, 以及创造和引导他们自己通往成功的教育之路所必需的工具.

GEAR UP采用队列模式——每个项目的工作都是从(合作学校的)完整的六年级队列开始,并继续为这群学生提供大学一年级的服务. GEAR UP致力于为学生和家庭提供一对一和小组咨询, academic and tutoring support, college and career exploration opportunities, skill building workshops, enrichment programs, college visits, and educational field trips.

★ GEAR UP - Hawthorne 是与康普顿联合学区和康普顿学院的合作关系吗. 该项目为2024年和2025年高中毕业班的850名学生提供服务,当时这些学生都是罗斯福中学的学生, Whaley Middle School, Kelly Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary School, 跟着他们去了多明格斯高中,然后进入大学一年级.

★ GEAR UP - Compton is a partnership with the Hawthorne School District, the Centinela Valley Union High School District, and El Camino College. 该项目为2024年毕业班的800名学生提供服务,当时这些学生都是巴德卡森学院的学生, Hawthorne, 和霍桑学区的Prairie Vista中学,并跟随他们进入霍桑和Leuzinger高中,并进入大学一年级.

Male Success Alliance (MSA)

Male Success Alliance (MSA)

The  Male Success Alliance (MSA)  我们的使命是提高有色人种青年的入学机会、保留率和毕业率. MSA提供学术支持,个人和职业发展和指导. Through creating a culture of brotherhood, MSA对年轻人的生活产生了积极的影响. 在意识、能力和承诺观念的推动下,MSA努力:

● Effectively guide and support students through their college experience, in order to improve retention and graduation of men of color at CSUDH.
● Collaborate with students, campus, and external partners to cultivate community and civic engagement.


Student Highlights